Participants are invited to submit abstracts for oral communications before March 31, 2012. The presenting author has to be registered as active participant.
Abstracts should be submitted by e-mail to : as an attached file (as MS Word document-*.doc) along with the "abstract submission form", indicating the paper title, name of the corresponding author, address and contact details.
Attached documents should be saved in Word codified as surname_name_abstract.doc.
Please use actual specifications: for instance smith_john _abstract.doc.
A sample template for the abstract is included HERE.
Instructions for Authors
Please read carefully the following instructions in order to facilitate the production of the Book of Abstracts.
(1) Abstracts must be written in English and should be one page maximum.
(2) Use Arial font style and single spaced typing.
(3) Abstract should contain the header (see template).
(4) The title should be centred written in bold characters (bold, font size 12), in upper-case letters.
(5) The names of the authors should follow in (italics, font size 10).
(6) The name of the presenting author should be underlined.
(7) The complete address should be centered (italics, font size 10) after one blank line. Please include a contact e-mail address.
(8) The body of the text must follow after one blank line, written in font 11.
(9) The body of the text should be full aligned and with single spaced lines.
(10) The body text should contain no more than 400 words.
(11) Insert figure directly in text (optional) as in template.
(12) Supply up to 5 keywords, typed in font size 10. Insert a blank line before the keywords.
(13) Acknowledgement and references are optional, font size 10.
Please indicate in the submission form your e-mail and telephone number for correspondence.
Notification of acceptance will be announced until April 16, 2012.